Alex Yang Eagle Scout project 2016

Alex Yang’s Eagle Scout Project

 Hey guys!
My name is Alex Yang, and I just wanted to thank you guys so much for financially helping me with my Eagle Scout Project! My goal was to finish five eight-foot redwood picnic tables for the Santa Clara Police Officers’ Association, and I was able to successfully reach this goal! Please allow me to express my gratitude for everyone’s help in this process. Truthfully, I don’t know what I would have done without your help. Thank you so much!!!!! Please take a look at the pictures of the picnic tables and enjoy!
The best skater in this club,
Alexander Yang
IMG 4881
IMG 4898
IMG 4897
IMG 4884
IMG 4914

2017 State Championships

The 2017 version of the California State Championships is coming up soon!!. In the books!!. Congratulations to all of the racers and all of the skaters that earned PR Certificates!.. We handed out 40 PR Certificates at the end of this race. 

See you again in 2019!!!

This is a USS sanctioned event. USS membership is required.

Location:   Oakland Ice Center
Date/Time:  Feb 19, 2017    9:45am – 12:45pm
Check In:       8:30am – 9:15am

Click here to download results: 2017 State Champs – Results

Click here to view Kenny’s videos:   Kenny’s 2017 State Champ Videos

note: for Age Group Qualifying time, add .2 seconds to the times…required for manual timing systems.


2017 California State Champs - Results

Crashed Ice – News from one of our friends!!

Most of you know that a hand full of the master skaters make a yearly pilgrimage to SLC for Derek Parra’s Master’s Camp..  Personally I enjoy trying to stay current in the sport,  doing something different for a few days and also meeting and hanging out with very cool and accomplished folks.

One of the skaters at the camp is Jack Schram.   He comes to speedskating from a different path than most. He’s a  Crashed Ice skater.  This is an extreme winter sport where skaters race downhill.   Jack’s skating skills are amazing, most speedskaters are happy if they can figure out how to turn to the right!!!

Check out this video of what Jack can do!!:   Crashed Ice

If you like it, please subscribe to Jack’s Youtube channel and  Jack’s Facebook Page

I just got back from a Crashed Ice race in Austria and launched my YouTube channel. I uploaded my round of 64 race for you guys to check out.

I hope you guys like the ice cross downhill POV. I ended up 38th/153 in the race (it is important to stay in the top 64)…thanks to the Master Camp!



2017 NorCal Championships

Speedskating_300x161 Sharpen your skates, start off the new year with a race!! The 2017 version of the NorCalChampionships is coming up soon!!.

This will be an ability based event.
This is a USS sanctioned event. USS membership is required.

Location:   Oakland Ice Center
Date/Time:  Jan 14, 2017    5:45pm-7pm
Check In:       4:30pm – 5:10pm

Click here to download an entry form: 2017 NorCal Championships

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